() تشوبارد من كاسكاد بسعر مخفض يشتري عطرا
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Welcome to the DA RP Shoutbox! [Please be courteous and keep all plot-related talk to the forums]
Deleted: Yes! One person can have up to five characters I believe.
Oct 17, 2015 21:37:35 GMT
ryokouri: 8tracks.com/ryokouri/no-good-son *jazz hands at this dorian mix I worked p hard on*
Oct 18, 2015 1:02:44 GMT
Deleted: 10/10 playlist!
Oct 18, 2015 4:15:40 GMT
snotlout: it seems like rn theres the ferelden squad and the nevarra squad and itll be hard to get in on either considering where the rp is
Oct 18, 2015 9:38:47 GMT
Deleted: I had to do some moving recently, so I should be better about replying now
Oct 21, 2015 0:37:52 GMT
Deleted: If the threads are a little too slow, would anyone be interested in rping in the pms?
Oct 21, 2015 0:48:51 GMT
eiburi: yeah, i got really busy with midterms! also if you have a smartphone you can download the tapatalk app and get notifications o:
Oct 21, 2015 19:04:12 GMT
Deleted: *loud siren noises*
Nov 5, 2015 0:57:58 GMT